Sunday, December 24, 2006

An Amazing View

I can't imagine waiting a full forty weeks to actually see my precious little girl. Shelley and I, along with just about everyone else in the family, went to a little place called "Before the Stork" to take several pictures of Courtlynn. Seeing her pictures makes it seem as though she is already here. She is 29 weeks gestation in this one. I think that she takes after her mother's good looks.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Our First Post

I would like to start the Blog by introducing you to our daughter. Courtlynn Marie is due to arrive on March 8th, 2007. She is named in part after her Grandmother, who's middle name was Lynn; she would have loved to share this joyous time with us. We will do our best to keep you all up-to-date on the growth, development, and fun times that we will get to experience on a daily basis. This is Courtlynn at 11 weeks old and 1-1/2 inches long.