Tuesday, August 28, 2007

6 Months and Growing

Over the last six months a lot has happened. I won't go back and tell you everything, but if you would like, you can go back through the blog and read about it yourself. Recently, Courtlynn has started on her veggies and will hopefully start on fruit soon. We started with the ever famous sweet potatoes. She loved them. We then continued on to carrots, peas, green beans, yams, and butternut squash. I think that we are still going to need to work on the green veggies, but the starches she absolutely loved. Yams are by far the favorite. She has gone from us feeding her to her grabing the spoon from us and trying to get it in her mouth. As you can see, she doesn't have very good aim. Everything goes in the mouth except the food ( hands, spoon, bib, etc... ).

Today, for her six month birthday , we took her to her pediatrician to get her 6 month shots. She weighed in at 16 lbs. 11 oz., putting her in the 70%. She has grown to 26 3/4 inches, 75%, and her head is 40 cm, 25%. The veggies must be doing the trick, along with the never-ending supply of milk.

Also, Courtlynn has been trying to crawl. Right now she is in the lerching phase. She will get up on two arms and one leg and then usually ends up going backwards. Our prediction is that before Uncle Matt's birthday (Sept. 12) we will have a crawler on our hands.

Courtlynn has recently impressed us with her balance as well. She is sitting up on her own, but needs to be put in the sitting position. She usually stays there for about 20-30 secs before crashing to the floor. Don't worry these are usually assisted to the floor crashes. I think our little overachiever (sitting, crawling, eating) baby is just a big love.

Till next time.

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